|02578Ensure the well-being of your loved ones by offering them support and assistance when getting in and out of bed. The bed guard for elderly Bion Safety Bedrail F100 provides peace of mind by preventing accidental falls from the bed, especially for individuals who may be prone to rolling or moving around during sleep.
*Note: This product is not assembled and requires self-assembly.
The cushion anti-slip grip provides comfort and reduced impact on the user's hands. It provides users with a stable and secure grip, reducing the risk of accidental slips and improving overall control.
The lever handle is a type of door handle that operates by pressing down or pulling up the lever to release the latch and open the door.
The hanging multipurpose pouch serves as a versatile storage solution, providing convenient and organized storage for a variety of items while also allowing easy access to necessities for the user.
Net Weight: 3.9 kg
Frame Finishing: High-Carbon Steel
Cushion: Nylon & Foam